What's the Difference Between Paraphrasing and Quoting?

What's the Difference Between Paraphrasing and Quoting?

What is the difference between paraphrasing and quoting? In writing an essay, paraphrasing means recasting information in your own words, while quoting means quoting exactly. Paraphrasing ensures that you understand the cited work without distorting the meaning. It's a good sign if you understand the content of the source material, but if you include big-picture elements, you're pushing yourself into summarization territory.
Putting someone else's ideas into "your own words"

In English, paraphrasing is putting someone else's ideas into your own words. It's important to remember that it's plagiarism if you present someone else's ideas as if they are your own. Paraphrasing someone else's ideas is an excellent way to show that you have a thorough understanding of the topic and are able to express them in your own words.

When you paraphrase someone's ideas into "your own words," you are rephrasing them to make the original meaning clearer to the reader. The process is different from patchwriting, which is considered plagiarism. Paraphrasing multiple sources is a good way to synthesize various opinions and concepts, but you must still cite the original source properly.  paraphraser  allow multiple sources to be referenced in one in-text citation.
Using a passage from an author as a source of information

While citation is a fairly straightforward issue, the question of quoting vs. paraphrasing an author's work is more complex. The decision to use a passage or paraphrase a passage comes down to the writer's argument and aesthetic sensibility. The writer will use paraphrasing to convey the information the original author intended to convey, rearranging and prioritizing the information that reflects the original voice.

In academic writing, citing a passage or idea from another source can be tricky because it requires a proper citation. Paraphrasing, on the other hand, requires you to rephrase the idea from a source without citing it. Using a quotation will lend a piece of writing an air of authority and historical relevance.
Presenting a passage in your own words

The difference between quoting and paraphrasing is the way you reword ideas. When quoting, you must remember to cite the original source, and your paraphrase should be unique and different from the original. In the following examples, you'll see a paraphrase that follows the original too closely, and two legitimate paraphrases that don't even sound like paraphrases. In the original paragraph, the student's intent was to incorporate the material in the original passage into a section of his paper that compared the functions of an expert and a nonexpert.

When you paraphrase, you change the language and structure of the passage to convey the same idea without using quotation marks. Often, paraphrasing requires you to do some research before rewriting, particularly if the passage came from a different time or culture. But when you reword a passage, you must also keep the voice and main idea of the original writer. It's best to put interesting words and phrases within quotation marks.
Using a passage in a literary analysis paper

To use a passage in a literary analysis paper, you must first identify the main idea of the passage. Once you know the main idea, you need to find two other ideas that are relevant to it. Then, you need to analyze the passage in relation to the main idea, citing evidence and providing context. Finally, you need to make a thesis statement, based on the main idea.

To use a passage as a literary analysis paper, students need to identify what kind of claims the text makes and why. If the passage is about a concept, students must identify what it means and what it teaches about the topic. For example, if God created the tiger, does his hand have a dread hand? In this way, Blake subverts our usual sense of joy at God's creation, conveying a sense of fear. However, you don't necessarily need to use quotes in literary analysis papers. While quotes are useful for discussing an author's language, they are not always relevant to refer to a structural element.